In 2015 first protypes of a 3D head mounted microscope were developed and tested in a dental environment, at that stage technology was not capable of combining high quality image in a lightweight design. The demonstrator built in 2017 with the latest USB3.1 technology was tested among a group of different surgeons and confidence was born that now a system could be developed fulfilling surgeons demands for quality, weight & ergonomics, but also as a future innovative platform.
In July 2018 the company i-Med Technology was founded in a JV with the founders Vincent Graham and Jaap Heukelom together with Brightlands VPZL (Cooperation Maastricht University Hospital MUMC and the Brightlands Health Campus) and Quaestinvest B.V. The company is situated at Brightlands Health Campus Maastricht next to Maastricht University Medical Centre (MUMC+), which plays an important role as launching customer.

Vincent Graham
Vincent Graham has been a pioneer in Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) for more than 20 years, in 1997 he started a company specialised in VR entertainment systems. In 2004 he purchased the rights and IP from Virtuality and started development of his own HMD (Head Mounted Display). Begin 2006 the Visette®45ST was introduced, which was the first professional high-resolution Augmented Reality HMD in the World. From that moment on many systems have been developed for military simulation systems and medical applications. In 2014 a Virtual 3D microscope was developed for a Manual Small Incision Cataract Surgery Simulator used to train eye surgeons in cooperation with MOOG for the HelpMeSee Foundation. During that period he developed a 3D head mounted microscope for dental procedures, the experience gathered here is the basis to develop a unique 3D Surgical head mounted Loupe.

Jaap Heukelom
In 2015 Jaap Heukelom joined and supported Vincent Graham in his activities for the overall business development marketing and sales, with his long time experiences in appropriate fields. He studied electrical engineering at the TU-Delft and became MSc specialized in control engineering. After several years of experience in operations and strategy with Philips display systems he was responsible for marketing and sales with high-end professional cameras systems with Philips and later with Thomson/Thales. From 2007 onwards he supported this company amongst other high tech companies working for LIOF Development Company with focus on regional business development of high tech companies.